Excel Training
to paste values copied from a cell with a calculation: Paste Special -> Values
to add copied values to other cell values: Paste Special -> Values -> Add -> paste over top of other cell values
alt = : autofills with AutoSum (no need to select cells)
ctrl enter : hits the enter key but doesn't move the cursor down a row
double clicking AutoSum: autofills with AutoSum (no need to select cells)
select all cells w/ an extra column and row, then select AutoSum: performs AutoSum on all rows and columns selected
absolute reference
when copying formulas, Excel makes relative adjustments (adjusts row and column numbers
not helpful if you're trying to use a set value for multiple formulas (ex. a set tax rate)
you can create an absolute value by hitting F4 after inputting the value that you lock into place
A1 becomes $A$1
hitting F4 multiple times will cycle through reference types
$A1, A$1
$ indicates if the row or column is locked
F5 -> Special -> Formulas highlights all cells with formulas
ctrl ~ will show all formulas
select cells -> alt O A to autoformat selected cells
only visual formatting
Cell Styles allow for canned formatting with colors, borders, etc.
select cells -> Insert -> Table to format as a table
formatting as a table allows for sorting
can then sum as a PivotTable
Insert -> PivotTable is another way to create a PivotTable
freeze panes allow for locking rows/columns in place
the default is left and above the clicked cell
View -> Freeze Panes
split screen splits the sheet into 4 independent windows to scroll through
default is left and above again
can split only horizontally or vertically by selecting the leftmost or topmost cell
Sheet Management
ctrl pgup/pgdn to move between sheets in the same file
right-click on the arrows to move between sheets to see all sheets in the file
select multiple sheets in a row by holding shift, select non-continuous tabs by holding ctrl
select all sheets and type on one to get that text on all sheets
to move a column between other columns, select the one you want to move, get the "move" icon, hold shift, and move to the vertical line between the columns where you want the selected column to be, and click (there should be a green line on the vertical line before you click)
3D formulas are formulas that go across several sheets
allows you to grab a cell value from a sheet other than the one you're on
allows you to grab the A1 value from all sheets between and including sheet1 and sheet2
if the sum popup is annoying, you can move it by dragging it
Financial Functions
fx allows you to insert functions
drop down menu for categories, as well as a search bar
click cells that contain needed info to grab that info automatically
if your nper value is term/year, you need to have [cell]*12 for an accurate calculation
nper assumes that the value is the # of payments
Excel assumes a constant interest rate
future value
$ value must be - because you're putting down money
select cells -> Home -> Clear Formats to remove formatting
if statements
click cell with the value to test, add conditional statement (ex. =100)
add in values for if the test returns true or false
string values must be encased in quotes (the function window will do it automatically)
Excel stores dates as serial numbers to be able to do calculations with them
ctrl ; inserts today's date
clearing formatting on a cell that has a date allows you to see the serial number
the serial number is the amount of days since 1/1/1900
the today() function will insert the current day and update itself
the now() function does the same but includes time
the serial number has decimals
edate function
adds months to a date
=edate(start time, months to add)
negative values work for subtraction
can do multiplication *12 for years
date function
allows for calculations too
date(years, months, day)
can do years + x, etc.
Sorting and Filtering
click inside the column you want to sort by
Data -> Sort and Filter
can also right-click on a cell in the column
multi-level sort
Advanced Sorting
creates a hierarchy of sorting- sorts the second hierarchy within the first, etc.
non-alphabetical sorting
Sort -> Custom Sort -> Order -> Custom List
select a subset or criteria
make sure column headings are bold- it makes them fields and allows them to be filtered
can filter with and/or conditions
can customize the bottom right status bar by right-clicking on it
alt to see what keyboard shortcuts exist
Windows Key + V shows Windows clipboard history
can access all copied material
fill series - drag, copy, click bottom right icon, Fill Series, can select sequential numbers, dates, etc.
months, days, dates, and consecutive numbers automatically populate with the corner drag
File -> Show All Properties allows you to add comments, etc. so the document becomes searchable in SharePoint
Track Changes allows you to see other edits live on a shared doc
File -> Info -> Inspect Workbook -> Inspect Document allows you to see document properties and personal info attached to the document and remove it
=rand(#1, #2) generates random text with #1 paragraphs and #2 sentences per paragraph
ctrl enter for a new page
References -> Table of Contents to insert an automatic table of contents
Last updated